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Korean money, As a parent of a student attending the Saemangeum Scout Jamboree for 12 days, how much pocket money should I give them ? Deciding the amount of pocket money for a student attending the Saemangeum Scout Jamboree for 12 days can vary depending on the student's individual needs and the family's financial situation. However, generally, it is advisable for students participating in such events to have a certain amount of pocket money to cover simple meals, necessary items, and possible expenses for social occasions. Th.. 2023. 7. 20.
If you visit Saemangeum, I highly recommend this one place you must go to. The place that impresses my foreign friends the most is Daemangbong in Jangja island, Saemangeum. If you want to truly experience Saemangeum, I recommend meeting a local resident from the area and requesting a guide. This is the Map of Go Gunsan Islans, Five islands are connected by a bridge. This is the most beautiful place in Saemangeum. Finally, I Stand on the Top of Jangja Island. Sea and ol.. 2023. 7. 20.
The Great Wall of the Sea, Saemangeum in South Korea Saemangeum is an area located on the west coast of South Korea. It is known for its large-scale reclamation project called the Saemangeum Seawall. The Great Wall of the Sea, Saemangeum in South Korea The Saemangeum project involved the construction of a massive seawall across the estuaries of the Mangyeong River and the Dongjin River, creating a freshwater lake known as Saemangeum Lake. The Saem.. 2023. 7. 19.
Looking forward to meeting you. Welcome to Korea. 25th WSJ I wish you make good memories in South Korea. We look forward to the visit of 45,000 Jamboree members from more than 150 countries. 2023. 7. 19.
어서와 한국은 처음이지 1 (악수법) Welcome. It's your first time in Korea , the way of shaking hands There are left-hand and right-hand handshakes in different countries. Please find below a compilation of handshaking practices categorized by countries: ■ Right-hand handshake: - United States - Canada - Most European countries (e.g., United Kingdom, France, Germany, etc.) - Some Middle Eastern countries (e.g., Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, etc.) - Most Asian countries (e.g., China, Japan,.. 2023. 7. 11.
한국에서 먹어볼 음식1 - 분식편" [K Food that you have to try in Korea "Bunsik," Bunsik is one of Korea's representative meal options. The term "bunsik" refers to simple and economical food that is suitable for quick meals or snacks. 분식은 한국의 대표적인 식사 종류 중 하나입니다. "분식"이란 말은 간단하고 경제적인 음식들을 의미하며, 빠른 식사나 간단한 간식으로 적합한 음식들을 통칭합니다. Bunsik restaurants typically offer a variety of dishes, including tteokbokki (spicy rice cakes), gimbap (rice rolls), ramyeon (instant noodles), fried foo.. 2023. 7. 11.
[Gunsan Modern Cultural Heritage - 1] The floating wharf , Haemanggul Tunnel, Japanese-style House in Sinheung-dong, 나의 군산 근대문화유산 답사기. 뜬부두, 해망굴, 신흥동 일본식 가옥 The floating wharf at Naehang Port was built between 1926 and 1938 to allow for the docking of large vessels regardless of changes in the water level due to tides and other factors. Built during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945), this wharf was used primarily to move rice onto ships for export, and it is therefore a symbol of imperial Japan's policy of exploitation colonialism. The wharf'.. 2023. 5. 30.
[Gunsan to ICN Airport] How to buy an intercity bus ticket to ICN (Incheon) Airport from Gunsan (Ticket 28,200KRW). 군산에서 인천가는 시외버스표 구입방법, 티켓값 28,200원 Today, I am going to talk about how to buy bus tickets and where to take the bus when we go to Incheon Airport by intercity bus from Gunsan. 오늘은 군산에서 시외버스로 인천공항에 갈때 버스티켓 구입하는 방법과 버스 타는곳에 대해 이야기 해보려고 합니다. There are two terminals in Gunsan. Express bus terminal (To Seoul) and Intercity bus terminal (To ICN airport and other places). The two places are located close by, so It can be very confusing .. 2023. 5. 24.
[The steps into Gunsan] The background for starting a story with Gunsan 군산을 소재로 스토리를 시작하게 된 배경, To me, Kunsan is a place where I live, so it's very familiar. However, for others, it can be an unknown world. When foreign friends or colleagues come to Kunsan and I explain to them about the city, I see them become amazed. This inspired me to choose writing a story post about Kunsan as my project for this year. "나에게는 군산이 사는곳이어 매우 익숙하지만, 또 다른 누군가에게는 미지의 세계라는것을 느끼고 이곳 군산에 온 외국친구, 동료들에게 군산에 대하여 설.. 2023. 5. 15.
25th WSJ 지구촌 청소년의 대축제 스카우트 잼버리 야영장 일반인 입장권 사전예약 , 전북도민 무료 아래링크 클릭해서 사전접수 해두세요. 엄청난 세계 축제의 현장을 방문할수 있는 절호의 기회입니다. https://m.ticketlink.co.kr/product/43548 2023. 5. 4.