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[Traffic regulations] New traffic regulations, If drivers do not come to a complete stop when making a right turn starting from this weekend, they will be fined 60,000 KRW. 주말부터 멈추지 않고 우회전 땐 범칙금 6만원

by 더케이데스크 2023. 4. 21.



Starting from the 22nd, if the forward signal light is red, drivers must come to a complete stop before making a right turn. Violators will be fined 60,000 KRW (based on passenger cars).

오는 22일부터 전방 신호등이 빨간불이면 우회전을 할 때 반드시 일시정지를 해야 한다. 이를 어겨 단속되면 범칙금 6만원(승용차 기준)이 부과된다.


The Police Agency announced on the 20th that they will begin crackdowns on vehicles violating the obligation to come to a complete stop when making right turns at intersections starting from the 22nd, after a 3-month grace period.

경찰청은 오는 22일부터 교차로 우회전 시 일시정지 의무 위반 차량을 본격 단속한다고 20일 밝혔다. 3개월간의 계도기간이 종료되는 것이다.


From now on, drivers cannot make a right turn at an intersection with a forward signal light in red. They can only make a right turn when the green arrow signal for right turns is on.

앞으로 차량 운전자는 우회전 신호등이 있는 곳에서는 전방 적색 신호에 우회전할 수 없다. 우회전 신호등에 녹색 화살표가 켜져야 우회전할 수 있다.


At intersections without a right turn signal light, drivers must come to a complete stop when the forward signal light is red before making a right turn. Even if they have already made a right turn, if they spot a pedestrian crossing the pedestrian crosswalk, they must immediately stop.

우회전 신호등이 설치되지 않은 곳에서는 전방 신호등이 적색일 때 일시정지한 후 우회전해야 한다. 신호에 맞춰 이미 우회전을 하고 있더라도 횡단보도를 건너는 보행자를 발견하면 즉시 정지해야 한다.


Violators may be fined up to 20,000 KRW or detained for less than 30 days, in accordance with the Road Traffic Act. However, according to a special provision on "the handling of traffic violations," if they pay the fine, they will be exempt from detention. The fine for violations is 70,000 KRW for a passenger car, 60,000 KRW for a small passenger car, and 40,000 KRW for a motorcycle. Violators will also receive 15 penalty points.

이를 어기면 도로교통법에 따라 20만원 이하 벌금이나 30일 미만 구류를 받을 수 있다. 다만 도로교통법상 ‘범칙행위의 처리에 관한 특례’에 따라 범칙금을 내면 벌금이나 구류를 면제받는다. 범칙금은 승합차 7만원, 승용차 6만원, 이륜차 4만원이다. 벌점도 15점 부과된다.


A Police Agency official stated, "We will start the crackdown in earnest, but we will prioritize crackdowns on violations that pose direct risks to pedestrians, so that drivers can empathize with them."경찰청 관계자는 “본격적인 단속을 시작하되 운전자들이 공감할 수 있도록 보행자에게 직접적인 위험을 발생시키는 유형부터 단속을 강화할 예정”이라고 밝혔다.

